Hattrick for Aakash BYJU’S as its student Vignesh N. from Bengaluru Tops in KCET 2023; 2021 and 2022 KCET toppers were also Aakashians

Aakashians have been scoring top ranks in KCET in 2021, 2022 and 2023

June 15, 2023: Vignesh N. a student of Aakash BYJU’S from Bengaluru, the national leader in test preparatory services, has secured the first position across Karnataka in the prestigious Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) 2023 in the Engineering discipline much to the elation of his parents, and the entire staff of the Institute. This is the third time in a row, Aakashians have aced the KCET examination. In 2021, Meghan HK became the topper and Apoorv Tandon in 2022. The results for KCET 2022 were declared earlier today. KCET is conducted for admissions into B. Tech courses offered by the participating institutes of the state.  
Vignesh joined Aakash BYJU’S in a classroom programme to crack the engineering entrance exams and attributed his performance to the strict learning schedule of the Institute. “I am grateful that Aakash BYJU’S has helped me understand the concepts and the much-needed preparational guidelines. But for the content and coaching from the Institute, I would not have grasped many concepts in different subjects in a short period of time,” he said. 
Congratulating Vignesh N, Mr. Dheeraj Misra, Regional Director, Aakash Educational Services Limited (AESL), said, “We congratulate Vignesh N. from Bengaluru for his exemplary feat. We have best of the study materials, question banks available for our students and have upgraded our digital presence making education always available. His achievement as KCET Topper speaks volumes of the hard work and dedication as well as the support of his parents and faculty at Aakash BYJU’S. We wish him all the best with his future endeavors.”

A total of 2,62,610 students had registered for KCET and 2,44,345 students attempted the exam.

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